Plant Growth and Development MCQ NCERT

1.Which plant hormone is responsible for cell elongation and growth?

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a) Auxin
b) Gibberellin
c) Cytokinin
d) Abscisic Acid

Answer: a) Auxin

2.The process of formation of new roots from the stem or leaf is known as:

a) Apical dominance
b) Phototropism
c) Geotropism
d) Adventitious root formation

Answer: d) Adventitious root formation

3.The apical bud suppresses the growth of lateral buds, a phenomenon known as:

a) Apical dominance
b) Phototropism
c) Geotropism
d) Thigmotropism

Answer: a) Apical dominance

4.In which part of the plant are apical meristems primarily found?

a) Roots
b) Leaves
c) Stems
d) Flowers

Answer: c) Stems

5.The plant hormone responsible for promoting fruit ripening is:

a) Auxin
b) Gibberellin
c) Ethylene
d) Cytokinin

Answer: c) Ethylene

6.Photoperiodism is a response of plants to:

a) Light intensity
b) Duration of light and darkness
c) Temperature
d) Gravity

Answer: b) Duration of light and darkness

7.The opening and closing of stomata are regulated by the movement of:

a) Water
b) Oxygen
c) Potassium ions
d) Carbon dioxide

Answer: c) Potassium ions

8.The growth movement of plant parts in response to touch or mechanical stimulation is known as:

a) Phototropism
b) Geotropism
c) Thigmotropism
d) Hydrotropism

Answer: c) Thigmotropism

9.The process of shedding leaves, flowers, or fruits prematurely is called:

a) Abscission
b) Senescence
c) Dormancy
d) Elongation

Answer: a) Abscission

10.Which of the following plant hormones inhibits the growth of lateral buds?

a) Auxin
b) Gibberellin
c) Cytokinin
d) Abscisic Acid

Answer: c) Cytokinin

11.The hormone responsible for promoting cell division and shoot development is:

See also  Plant Ecology MCQ NEET

a) Auxin
b) Gibberellin
c) Cytokinin
d) Ethylene

Answer: c) Cytokinin

12.The bending of a plant part towards light is known as:

a) Phototropism
b) Geotropism
c) Thigmotropism
d) Hydrotropism

Answer: a) Phototropism

13.The enzyme responsible for breaking down cell walls during abscission is:

a) Amylase
b) Cellulase
c) Protease
d) Lipase

Answer: b) Cellulase

14.The process of seed germination is inhibited by:

a) Gibberellin
b) Abscisic Acid
c) Cytokinin
d) Ethylene

Answer: b) Abscisic Acid

15.The primary site of action of auxins is in the:

a) Roots
b) Leaves
c) Meristems
d) Flowers

Answer: c) Meristems

16.The movement of plant roots towards water is known as:

a) Phototropism
b) Geotropism
c) Hydrotropism
d) Thigmotropism

Answer: c) Hydrotropism

17.A plant with a short-day requirement for flowering will flower when:

a) Days are short and nights are long
b) Days are long and nights are short
c) Day and night duration are equal
d) Temperature is low

Answer: a) Days are short and nights are long

18.The process of shedding of old and mature leaves is known as:

a) Abscission
b) Senescence
c) Dormancy
d) Elongation

Answer: b) Senescence

19.The plant hormone involved in seed dormancy and closing of stomata is:

a) Auxin
b) Gibberellin
c) Abscisic Acid
d) Ethylene

Answer: c) Abscisic Acid

20.The hormone responsible for promoting the elongation of internodes and stem growth is:

a) Auxin
b) Gibberellin
c) Cytokinin
d) Ethylene

Answer: b) Gibberellin


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