Pinterest GK Quiz MCQ

1. When was Pinterest launched?
a) 2008
b) 2009
c) 2010
d) 2011
Answer: d) 2011

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2. Who are the co-founders of Pinterest?
a) Ben Silbermann, Evan Sharp, and Paul Sciarra
b) Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin
c) Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone
d) Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger
Answer: a) Ben Silbermann, Evan Sharp, and Paul Sciarra

3. What is the primary focus of Pinterest?
a) Social Networking
b) Video Sharing
c) Image Sharing and Discovery
d) Professional Networking
Answer: c) Image Sharing and Discovery

4. What is the term used for the collections of images and videos created by Pinterest users?
a) Boards
b) Albums
c) Collections
d) Galleries
Answer: a) Boards

5. Which feature of Pinterest allows users to save images from the internet to their boards?
a) Pinning
b) Saving
c) Bookmarking
d) Collecting
Answer: a) Pinning

6. What is the term used for the feature of Pinterest that suggests similar images based on the user’s interests?
a) Pin Suggestions
b) Image Recommendations
c) Related Pins
d) Explore Pins
Answer: c) Related Pins

7. Which feature of Pinterest allows users to follow other users’ boards?
a) Board Following
b) Pin Following
c) User Following
d) Account Following
Answer: a) Board Following

8. What is the term used for the feature of Pinterest that allows users to organize their pins into categories?
a) Pin Categories
b) Pin Collections
c) Pinboards
d) Pin Albums
Answer: c) Pinboards

9. Which feature of Pinterest allows users to search for images using keywords?
a) Pin Search
b) Image Search
c) Pin Discovery
d) Pin Exploration
Answer: b) Image Search

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10. What is the term used for the feature of Pinterest that allows users to send pins directly to other users?
a) Pin Send
b) Pin Sharing
c) Pin Message
d) Pinmail
Answer: d) Pinmail

11. Which feature of Pinterest allows users to create collaborative boards with other users?
a) Shared Boards
b) Collaborative Boards
c) Group Boards
d) Partner Boards
Answer: c) Group Boards

12. What is the term used for the feature of Pinterest that allows users to discover trending and popular pins?
a) Trending Pins
b) Popular Pins
c) Pin Trends
d) Pin Popularity
Answer: b) Popular Pins

13. Which feature of Pinterest allows users to create secret boards that are only visible to them?
a) Private Boards
b) Secret Boards
c) Hidden Boards
d) Stealth Boards
Answer: b) Secret Boards

14. What is the term used for the feature of Pinterest that allows users to explore content related to their interests?
a) Pin Exploration
b) Pin Discovery
c) Pin Browsing
d) Pin Search
Answer: b) Pin Discovery

15. Which feature of Pinterest allows users to buy products directly from pins?
a) Pin Purchase
b) Buy Now
c) Shopping Pins
d) Purchase Pins
Answer: c) Shopping Pins

16. What is the term used for the feature of Pinterest that allows users to create visual bookmarks?
a) Visual Bookmarks
b) Pin Bookmarks
c) Image Bookmarks
d) Picture Bookmarks
Answer: b) Pin Bookmarks

17. Which feature of Pinterest allows users to see similar images when they hover over a pin?
a) Pin Hover
b) Related Images
c) Pin Suggestions
d) Image Hover
Answer: d) Image Hover

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18. What is the term used for the feature of Pinterest that allows users to organize their pins into subcategories?
a) Subboards
b) Pin Subcategories
c) Subcollections
d) Nested Boards
Answer: a) Subboards

19. Which feature of Pinterest allows users to schedule pins to be published at a later time?
a) Pin Scheduler
b) Pin Planner
c) Pin Publishing
d) Scheduled Pins
Answer: d) Scheduled Pins

20. What is the term used for the feature of Pinterest that allows users to see pins from accounts they follow?
a) Feed
b) Explore
c) Discover
d) Home
Answer: d) Home


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