Death Certificate India GK

1. What is a Death Certificate?
A. A certificate issued by a hospital for deceased patients
B. A document issued by the government recording the death of an individual
C. A legal document issued by insurance companies
D. A certificate issued by funeral homes

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Answer: B. A document issued by the government recording the death of an individual

2. In India, which department or authority is responsible for issuing Death Certificates?
A. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
B. Ministry of Home Affairs
C. Ministry of External Affairs
D. Ministry of Finance

Answer: A. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

3. What is the primary purpose of a Death Certificate in India?
A. To settle insurance claims
B. To legally document the cessation of a person’s life
C. To inherit property
D. All of the above

Answer: B. To legally document the cessation of a person’s life

4. Within what time frame should a death be registered in India to obtain a Death Certificate?
A. Within 30 days of death
B. Within 90 days of death
C. Within 180 days of death
D. Within 365 days of death

Answer: A. Within 30 days of death

5. Who is required to register a death in India?
A. Next of kin or relatives of the deceased
B. Hospital staff
C. Local government official
D. Anyone who witnessed the death

Answer: A. Next of kin or relatives of the deceased

6. What information is typically included in a Death Certificate in India?
A. Name of the deceased, date of death, and place of death
B. Cause of death
C. Residential address of the deceased
D. All of the above

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Answer: D. All of the above

7. In which language is a Death Certificate issued in India?
A. English only
B. Hindi only
C. The local regional language
D. Both English and the local regional language

Answer: D. Both English and the local regional language

8. How can one apply for a Death Certificate in India?
A. Online application
B. Offline application at the municipal office
C. Through a hospital
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

9. Is a Death Certificate mandatory for all deaths in India?
A. Yes, for all deaths
B. No, only for deaths in hospitals
C. Yes, for deaths in hospitals
D. No, it’s optional

Answer: A. Yes, for all deaths

10. What is the fee structure for obtaining a Death Certificate in India?
A. It’s free of cost
B. Fees vary depending on the state or municipal authority
C. Fixed fee for all states
D. Fee waiver for low-income families

Answer: B. Fees vary depending on the state or municipal authority

11. What is the penalty for late registration of a death in India?
A. No penalty
B. Double the regular registration fee
C. Penalty varies depending on the state laws
D. Jail term for the informants

Answer: C. Penalty varies depending on the state laws

12. Who can request a copy of a Death Certificate in India?
A. Only immediate family members
B. Any relative or interested party
C. Authorized individuals like government officials
D. Anyone with a valid reason

Answer: D. Anyone with a valid reason

13. Can errors in a Death Certificate be corrected?
A. No, once issued, it cannot be corrected
B. Yes, but only through a lengthy legal process
C. Yes, through an application for correction with supporting documents
D. Yes, but only if reported within 30 days of issuance

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Answer: C. Yes, through an application for correction with supporting documents

14. How long is a Death Certificate valid in India?
A. It’s valid indefinitely
B. It’s valid for 10 years
C. It’s valid until the deceased’s estate is settled
D. It’s valid for a certain period, typically 3 years

Answer: A. It’s valid indefinitely

15. Can a Death Certificate be used as proof of identity?
A. Yes, for all purposes
B. No, only for specific purposes
C. Yes, for most purposes but not for government-related matters
D. No, it’s not considered a valid identity document

Answer: B. No, only for specific purposes

16. What is the role of the Registrar of Births and Deaths in the issuance of Death Certificates?
A. To conduct postmortem examinations
B. To maintain records of deaths
C. To issue Death Certificates directly
D. To oversee funeral arrangements

Answer: B. To maintain records of deaths

17. Can a Death Certificate be used for obtaining insurance claims?
A. Yes, as the sole proof of death
B. No, it’s not considered a valid document for insurance purposes
C. Yes, but only if accompanied by other supporting documents
D. No, insurance claims require separate documentation

Answer: C. Yes, but only if accompanied by other supporting documents

18. How does the government ensure the authenticity of Death Certificates?
A. By conducting regular inspections of funeral homes
B. By using biometric identification
C. By issuing digitally signed certificates
D. By requiring multiple witnesses during registration

Answer: C. By issuing digitally signed certificates

19. Can a Death Certificate be used for property inheritance purposes?
A. Yes, as the primary proof of death
B. No, it’s not considered a valid document for inheritance purposes
C. Yes, but only if accompanied by other supporting documents
D. No, property inheritance requires separate documentation

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Answer: C. Yes, but only if accompanied by other supporting documents

20. What is the procedure for obtaining a Death Certificate if the death occurred outside India?
A. Through the Indian embassy or consulate
B. No Death Certificate can be obtained in such cases
C. By applying to the Ministry of External Affairs
D. By submitting a request to the United Nations

Answer: A. Through the Indian embassy or consulate


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